Rallies & Programme
***No room left for Dressage Day sorry but spaces may still be left for Jumping day!***
Happy New Year to you all. Our first organised event for this year is the Training & members show weekend on 1st & 2nd February. Saturday will be dressage coaching in the morning with a Members only competition in the afternoon. Sunday will be jumping coaching in the morning and a members only competition in the afternoon. Both days will be held at Bailey Farm. You can pick and choose what you do. IE. Lesson and show or one or the other. I will be finalising details this week but if you are interested please contact me by email or messenger and let me know what level you would like to train at, also if you would prefer a shared or individual lesson. For dressage intro, prelim, novice etc. and SJ heights. Our trainers are Sally Frost for the dressage and Andrea Phillips for the SJ. Let's get started on those new year resolutions to make full use of your RC membership!!!! Tracy tracytivysiderc@gmail.com
*TRC Diary Dates 2025*
These are some 2025 dates for evening TRC Polework and/or Showjumping at Bailey Farm.
JANUARY Friday 10th Thursday 16th Thursday 23rd Friday 31st
FEBRUARY Thursday 6th Thursday 13th Friday 21st Friday 28th
MARCH Thursday 6th Thursday 13th Friday 21st Thursday 27th
APRIL Friday 4th Further dates to be added...
If you would like to join in on any or all of the dates please contact Petra James on 07977 210660 or via PM on Facebook. Thank you
Rallies with Anita Freter will start at 10.30am.
Rallies at Dyfed Riding Centre will start at 10.00am unless otherwise stated.
Please contact Muriel 07940488301 for rallies at Dyfed Riding Centre and with Anita Freter at least 48 hours in advance.
Anyone failing to notify of a cancellation will be expected to pay the full rally fee £18/£20 per lesson at the discretion of the
Please contact Petra 07977210660 to book in for the show jumping and pole work rallies at Bailey Farm. (Evening rallies).
These dates will also be posted on Facebook.
TRC have the following dates booked at Bailey Farm for evening Polework and/or Showjumping lessons with Petra James.
Friday 1st
Thursday 14th
Thursday 21st
Friday 29th
Thursday 4th
Friday 12th
Thursday 18th
Friday 26th
Thursday 2nd
Friday 10th
Thursday 16th
Friday 24th
Thursday 30th
Friday 7th.
Thank you
Friday 5th | Show Jumping/Poles | Bailey Farm | Petra James |
Sunday 7th | TRC Members Show Jumping Bailey Farm (Entries to Sheila Coles -see schedule) | ||
Wednesday 10th | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Thursday 11th | Show Jumping/Poles | Bailey Farm | Petra James |
Wednesday 17th | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Thursday 18th | Show Jumping/Poles | Bailey Farm | Petra James |
Saturday 20th | Area Intro Qualifier – Amman Valley Pony Club | ||
Sunday 21st | Rally | Starlight RC | Anita Freter |
Wednesday 24th | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Friday 26th | Show Jumping/Poles | Bailey Farm | Petra James |
Wednesday 31st | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Friday 2nd | Show Jumping/Poles | Bailey Farm | Petra James |
Sunday 4th | Rally | Starlight RC | Anita Freter |
Wednesday 7th | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Thursday 8th | Show Jumping/Poles | Bailey Farm | Petra James |
Wednesday 14th | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Friday 16th | Show Jumping/Poles | Bailey Farm | Petra James |
Sunday 18th | TRC Members Dressage – Starlight Riding Centre | ||
Wednesday 21st | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Thursday 22nd | Show Jumping/Poles | Bailey Farm | Petra James |
Sunday 25th | Rally | Starlight RC | Anita Freter |
Wednesday 28th | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Friday 1st | Show Jumping/Poles | Bailey Farm | Petra James |
Sunday 3rd | Rally | Starlight RC | Anita Freter |
Wednesday 6th | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Wednesday 13th | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Sunday 17th | Rally | Starlight RC | Anita Freter |
Wednesday 20th | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Wednesday 27th | Rally | Dyfed Riding Centre | Ninu Humfrey |
Rallies with Anita Freter will start at 10.30am.
Rallies at Dyfed Riding Centre will start at 10.00am unless otherwise stated.
Please contact Muriel Gill on 07940 488301 for rallies at Dyfed Riding Centre and with Anita Freter at least 48 hours in advance. Anyone failing to notify Muriel of a cancellation will be expected to pay the full rally fee £18 per lesson.
Please contact Petra on her mobile to book in for the show jumping and pole work rallies at Bailey Farm. (Evening rallies)
These dates will also be posted on Facebook - Mobile: 07977 210660
www.tivysiderc.co.uk & Facebook group
November 2023
Next committee meeting Tuesday 9th January 2024
Chairman/Committee/Instructor | Petra James | 07977 210660 |
Secretary/Newsletter | Sarah Lewis | 01545 560813/07391 775169 |
Committee/Membership Secretary | Ruth Maczka | 07946 140521 |
Committee/Minutes Secretary | Jenny Linfoot | 01239 612545 |
Committee/Rally Secretary | Muriel Gill | 01239 614592/07940 488301 |
Committee | Wendy Roberts | 01994 419583 |
Committee/Treasurer (1st Jan 2024) | Netty Jukes | 07789 042139 |
Committee/OS | Tracy Maczka | 07964 972532 |
Committee | Chia James | 01239 820432 |
Committee | Mariette Sibley | 07896 107130 |
Committee | Rebecca Morris |
Committee/Health and Safety/Trophies | Sheila Coles | 078108 87766 |
Committee/Website | Rianne Fulton 07943 661465 |
Diary Dates 2024
Sunday 31st December TRC Christmas Show at Starlight Riding Centre
Sunday 7th January TRC Members Show Jumping at Bailey Farm
Saturday 20th January 2024 Intro Area Qualifier at Amman Valley Pony Club
Sunday 18th February 2024 – Members Dressage st Starlight Riding Centre
Intermediate Show Jumping - before end of March 24 – Carmarthen Show Ground
5th October 2024 - Bailey Farm Area Novice Show Jumping
19th/20th October 2024 - Area Intermediate Dressage Pibwrlwyd Carmarthen
9th/10th November 2024 - Area Novice Dressage
Presentation of Awards 2023
Dressage – Kerry Anne Knight
Show Jumping – Belinda Price
Rally Shield – Michaela Just (Horse and Rider who have benefited most from rally attendance)
Night Cap trophy – Leanne Best
Lincoln trophy – Kerry Anne Knight
Wenroc trophy – Wendy Roberts (achievements in Show Jumping)
Mary Watkins-Davies trophy – Jo Collins
Appreciation trophy – Karen Jones
1st Kerry Anne Knight
2nd Leanne Best
3rd Jo Collins
4th Netty Jukes
Show Jumping:
1st Belinda Price
2nd Jim Fox
3rd Jo Collins
4th Sarah Morgan
Treasurer’s Report
Thank you to Dawn Hodson for all her hard work and diligence over the years in keeping the TRC purse strings tight. May we wish her all the best as she has chosen to retire from Treasurer and also from the committee as her life is speeding up with the riding commitments of her daughter and family. A presentation will be given to her in due course as a thank you from the committee and members.
Membership 2024 due 1st January
Membership fees will remain at £35 for riding members and owing to the change to online membership £35 for non riders. Please contact Ruth Maczka should you need any advice about joining online. (ruthmaczka@gmail.com)
Chairman’s Report by Petra James
It has been a year since I have taken up the TRC Chairman’s reins and my contact has been more or less consistent! Plus we have all survived the ride! As a committee we meet once a month to determine the course of the club and to try to arrange something for everyone.
This started with a very informative and interactive talk on Worming, Laminitis and other associated equine problems given by Shaun McKane of Cotts Farm Equine Vets followed by refreshments in aid of our chosen charity “The Welsh Air Ambulance”.
Our Christmas Show held at Starlight RC had to be re-scheduled due to the inclement weather conditions. The new date will remain at 31st December which will still be Christmas themed.
The end of January saw the 1st Area Qualifier of 2023 and TRC was well represented by riders collecting rosettes of all different colours. Eleri Morgan, Christine Vaughan, Ruth Maczka, Kerry Anne Knight, Sophie Spiteri and Leanne Best. The latter three going on to the Novice Championships at Arena UK and having a great time. Although being towed back to Wales was a particular lowlight!
The Members only Dressage and Show Jumping competitions that we have arranged throughout the year at different venues have been well supported and a lot of Fun. They are designed to be relaxed and informal and a great introduction for young horses, nervous and novice riders alike.
The Badminton bus was run again this year, taking advantage of the “early bird” offers on cheaper entry tickets with a stop for breakfast and supper on the homeward journey. All who made the trip had a thoroughly enjoyable day out. With thanks to Sheila Coles for organising this event.
Many thanks to Tracy Maczka for her willingness to take on the role as Official Steward for Area 21. Without such stewards members would be unable to compete at Area Qualifiers. This requires a great deal of personal time from the OS’s.
We as a committee did try to arrange the Summer Area Show Jumping Qualifier but came up against excessive costs due to the First Aid requirements and it was deemed non-viable due to the reduction of competitors willing to take part in both the Qualifiers and to go onto the Championships.
I can report that Sheila Coles has attended the online safeguarding Training so is now both our Health & Safety, & Safeguarding Officer. Thank you Sheila.
Area Summer Dressage held at Carmarthen Show ground was efficiently run by Cwmamman RC and enjoyed by Eleri Morgan, Leanne Best, Kerry Anne Knight and new Junior member Emily Anthony who subsequently qualified for the Championships held at Lincoln Show ground in September. Emily unfortunately was unable to attend.
Nevern Show was next on the calendar and proved once again to be a great day out with TRC providing the Working Hunter course and then running the Show Jumping for TRC. Thank you to all who helped both on the day and the day before when the course was built and dressed.
At the Dressage to Music Qualifier, Eleri and Leanne were TRC representatives. Both did very well in qualifying for the Championships in their own respective classes.
At the end of September our dressage riders, Kerry Anne Knight and Leanne Best made the long journey to Bury Farm for the Intro Championships as representatives of TRC. Very well done to you both.
Moving on to the new season of qualifiers, TRC had a grand day out at our local venue Bailey Farm for the Novice Winter Show Jumping. Out of the four entries we had we ended up with two winners and two placings. Well done to Belinda Price for winning the 70cm and to Wendy Roberts for her first prize in the 80cm. Jason James and Hannah Warren were also placed in their classes.
We had entries for the Area Eventing both Junior and Senior but this competition has been postponed until the New Year.
Once again the Intermediate Dressage run by TRC was a success. Due undoubtedly to the great organisation of Muriel Gill and the Tivyside team. Dressage stalwarts of Eleri Morgan, Chris Vaughan and Leanne Best were joined by new member Lucy Richards Lowe and junior member Amy Sibley for an enjoyable days competition plus plenty of rosettes. Amy won both of her classes and should be invited to compete at the Championships.
We are always looking for helpers whether it be an Area Qualifier or a Members Only Show, so please don’t be shy in coming forward even if you can only spare a few hours. Many hands make light work.
The website and Facebook page are a really good way to keep in touch with any upcoming dates, competitions and social events, but if you cannot access this, please get in touch with a committee member to put you in the loop!
A heartfelt thank you to all TRC members for your continued support and to all our instructors whether regular or visiting. Thank you also to all the very hard working committee members who support, encourage and prop me up/put me down when needs be. Please forgive me if I have forgotten to mention or failed to thank anyone! (PJ)
We welcome Rebecca Morris and Mariette Sibley onto the committee. Sheila Coles will now be in charge of the trophies and Netty Jukes will be taking over as Treasurer on the 1st of January 2024.
Equine Welfare
Please can you all kindly read the page in your latest Rider magazine about equine Welfare.
Members have raised a very generous £353 which the club have topped up to £500 to donate to this worthy charity.
Intro Dressage Qualifier Saturday 20th January 24
Schedule can be found on the BRC Area 21 Facebook page
(names to Sheila Coles - sheilacoles@btinternet.com) by 28th December.)
1st - Michaela Just and Jerry with 73.91%
2nd - Kerry Knight and Diffy with 67.82%
3rd - Jo Collins and Towie with 65.87%
4th - Ruth Maczka and Coco with 65.43%
1st - Chris Vaughan and Sooty with 71.92%
2nd - Leanne Best and Rhubarb with 69.23%
3rd - Ruth Maczka and Coco with 68.46%
4th - Michaela Just and Jerry with 67.69%
1st - Leanne Best and Rhubarb with 71.46%
2nd - Emily Anthony and Clyde with 64.17%
3rd - Wendy Roberts and Betty with 63.13%
4th - Anna Bowen and Mystical Jadeite with 61.88%
1st - Leanne Best and Rhubarb with 68.13%
2nd - Wendy Roberts and Betty with 60.16%
Well done to all who competed and thank you all for your continued support!
Journey of a Dressage STAR
Hi there – Paddy Power again. I hate to start with a question, but is there a support group for extremely talented dressage horses with totally inept riders?
I’m having real problems with “Her on Top” - real problems….. Firstly she thinks she’s in charge, why I don’t know as she knows so much less than me, and secondly she keeps singing. The singing would be OK if she could just carry a tune. We usually start with the Dusty Springfield power ballads (showing her age) and if all else fails we go to Onward Christian Soldiers. Apparently this helps her breathe – just between us it might be better if she didn’t!
Aunty Muriel has been trying to instil some basic riding skills, but its a long and thankless battle, and sometimes, just sometimes I stop co operating just to demonstrate how inept she really is.
Anyway not to be diverted from our quest for glory and recognition in the field of dressage we set off for Moor Farm to take part in the Quest Winter League – obviously with my talent I am affiliated. Warm up was OK in as much as HoT remembered to do a warm up rather than stop and natter to everyone she knew and then leave me to cough all the way up the centre line. So, good start. I was exceptionally good throughout the test and pretty certain I heard some gasps – but that may have been HoT. Thought we had smashed it and might make an assault on the 60%.
But no, no, no she messed up – forgot to give and retake the reins twice! Walked early and Walked late – what's a boy to do? We’ll gloss over the final mark but the judge wrote some very kind comments and called me handsome twice.
Later that day Aunty Chris arrived – I thought to commiserate – but no- to plait my mane. I WAS DOING ANOTHER COMPETITION THE FOLLOWING DAY! Childline on speed dial. We were off to the Area Inter/Winters – I was dreading the inept one showing me up in front of all those people. Anyway after concentrating very hard and praying to the god of grass my prayers were answered and Aunty Chris was to ride me – phew.
I was especially pleased as Aunty Chris is half the weight of the inept one and actually knows how to ride, and I don’t think I need to tell you what a pleasant surprise that is to my almost given up hope aspirations. We completed or should I say, I completed a just short of brilliant test. Sadly it was mostly unaided as Aunty Chris seemed to stop breathing mid way through our first canter so I had to soldier on alone. To her credit she pointed me in the right direction and was still with me at the end to stand a totally brilliant second place – that in our first ever test together.
Our next outing was the Tivyside members show and the inept one, Aunty Chris and I have agreed never to speak of it again. I would just say I’m really sorry Aunty Chris………...
Current Rallies and Programme of upcoming events :
Starlight are holding their Winter Christmas Fair on the 4th December. All welcome.
Previous Programmes and rallies :
03 July 2020 - First Rally of 2020...Welcome Back to all who braved the weather and came to the Polework lesson at Bailey Farm.
Thank you - I really enjoyed...and the sun "almost" shone! - Petra.