Rider & Horse Eligibility for Area Competitions
***For Your Information TRC Members!***
BRC Area 21 Novice Winter Showjumping 7th October 2023 at Bailey Farm
Please check your eligibility for both yourself and your horse and please DOUBLE check your horses' Flu Vacc vaccination dates so that you comply with BRC Rules.
BRC Rulebook available on both TRC website and the Area 21 website.
When you have done this please contact Sheila Coles via email sheilajcoles@btinternet.com or by telephone 07810 887766 with:
Your choice of class/es,
Team or individual preference - dependent on other TRC entries, Your horses FULL passport name and microchip number,
Entry fee - pre entry cut off date is TUESDAY 12th SEPTEMBER. After this date you will be required to pay the entry fee unless your place can be filled by another member.